The Update 1.19 Common Test


During the Update 1.19 Common Test, you will have the chance to try out a new type of equipment: Experimental Equipment.

We want all our players to have multiple options for fine-tuning their vehicles to suit their playstyle. The reworked equipment system and Field Modification contribute to this opportunity. Experimental Equipment will help you additionally increase the value of an important stat at the cost of another that is not so crucial for you. You will have more options to adjust your vehicle while remaining at peak efficiency since Experimental Equipment of the highest Upgrade Level has characteristics that are on a par with those of improved equipment (i.e., bond equipment).

All parameters of Experimental Equipment, including the number of components needed for its upgrading and/or demounting, are not final and may change according to the results of the Common Test.

The Update 1.19 Common Test will be available until November 9 at 01:00 PT | 03:00 CT | 04:00 ET.


Experimental Equipment

Experimental Equipment combines stats from two or more sets already present in the game (as equipment parameters or a part of mechanics). It cannot be purchased; it will be a reward for various in-game activities and events, and we will notify you when it’s available. 

We will provide enough opportunities to obtain a lot of Experimental Equipment over the course of the next year. We will start right now: pieces of Experimental Equipment will be included into Well-Deserved Rewards, and they will also become part of Holiday Ops and Battle Pass 2023 Seasons.

During the Common Test, you will be given Experimental Equipment on log-in every day and as mission rewards—to try out different combinations of new and old equipment and other vehicle fine-tuning options. With the resources allowing you to explore multiple configurations, you will learn in advance what you need before Experimental Equipment enters the game and demounting it starts costing you hard-earned components.

Upgrade Levels of Experimental Equipment

Experimental Equipment can be upgraded and features three Upgrade Levels as follows:

  • The overall effect of Upgrade Level I corresponds to that of standard equipment.
  • Upgrade Level II corresponds to that of upgraded Bounty Equipment.
  • Upgrade Level III corresponds to that of improved equipment (i.e., bond equipment).


Players will receive Experimental Equipment of Upgrade Level I. The level can be increased using components—a new in-game entity that can be obtained by disassembling Experimental Equipment.

The number of components you get will depend on the type and Upgrade Level of the Experimental Equipment to be disassembled. The number of components required for upgrading will also vary. Upgrading from Level I to Level II will always require fewer components than upgrading from Level II to Level III.


Upgrade Level I → Level II Upgrade Level II → Level III
Fire-Control System 400 2,000
Mobility Improvement System



Survival Improvement Suite



Upgrade Level I Upgrade Level II Upgrade Level III
Fire-Control System 100 400 1,600
Mobility Improvement System 100 400 1,600
Survival Improvement Suite 100 400 1,600

Example: Experimental Equipment Use Case


Let’s say you want to bring your Survival Improvement Suite to Upgrade Level III to enjoy the enticing bonuses this level offers. You need 2,400 components for that. This amount can be obtained from disassembling 24 pieces of Experimental Equipment of Upgrade Level I, or 6 of those of Upgrade Level II (you may think of other combinations too). Please note that while disassembling a piece of Experimental Equipment of Upgrade Level II gives you enough components to bring another piece to Upgrade Level II, the same doesn’t work with Upgrade Level III (breaking down a single piece for components isn’t enough). Therefore, you need to be very thoughtful about whether you really want to turn an Upgrade Level III item of Experimental Equipment into components.


Experimental Equipment Available During the Update 1.19 Common Test

During the Update 1.19 Common Test, you will be able to try out three types of Experimental Equipment. Check them out below:

EQUIPMENT Parameters
Upgrade Level I Upgrade Level II Upgrade Level III

Fire-Control System

(Additional bonus from Vertical Stabilizer)

+7% to aiming speed

−7% to gun dispersion during movement and rotation

+8% to aiming speed

−9% to gun dispersion during movement and rotation

+9% to aiming speed

−11.5% to gun dispersion during movement and rotation

Mobility Improvement System

(Additional bonus from Improved Rotation Mechanism)

+7% to engine power

+5% to turret traverse speed or gun traverse speed for vehicles with stationary cabins

+5% to hull traverse speed

−5% to dispersion during vehicle movement and traverse, as well as during turret rotation

+4 km/h to top forward speed

+2 km/h to top reverse speed

+8% to engine power

+6% to turret traverse speed or gun traverse speed for vehicles with stationary cabins

+6% to hull traverse speed

−6% to dispersion during vehicle movement and traverse, as well as during turret rotation

+4 km/h to top forward speed

+3 km/h to top reverse speed

+10% to engine power

+8% to turret traverse speed or gun traverse speed for vehicles with stationary cabins

+8% to hull traverse speed

−8% to dispersion during vehicle movement and traverse, as well as during turret rotation

+5 km/h to top forward speed

+3 km/h to top reverse speed

Survival Improvement Suite

(Additional bonus from Modified Configuration)

Effect: Fully restores suspension hit points after repairs.

+9% to vehicle hit points

+60% to ammo rack, fuel tank, and engine durability

+40% to suspension durability

+10% to suspension repair speed

-30% to the loading speed penalty and loss of engine power upon the damaging of modules

Effect: Fully restores suspension hit points after repairs.

+10% to vehicle hit points

+80% to ammo rack, fuel tank, and engine durability

+50% to suspension durability

+15% to suspension repair speed

-40% to the loading speed penalty and loss of engine power upon the damaging of modules

Effect: Fully restores suspension hit points after repairs.

+11.5% to vehicle hit points

+100% to ammo rack, fuel tank, and engine durability

+70% to suspension durability

+25% to suspension repair speed

-50% to the loading speed penalty and loss of engine power upon the damaging of modules

Experimental Equipment Mechanics

  • Experimental Equipment has the following main and additional bonuses:
    • The main bonus is reflected in the parameter that is displayed first in the description. If this is, for example, a bonus from Turbocharger, you cannot mount the same type of equipment on the vehicle.
    • An additional bonus can be received from other types of equipment (one or more) or from various mechanics. The additional bonus cannot include the effect of the equipment from which it was taken (e.g., the full restoration of the suspension durability after repairs from Improved Hardening).
  • Experimental Equipment that combines bonuses of two types of equipment is suitable only for vehicles on which both of those types of equipment can be mounted. For example, Experimental Equipment with the Gun Rammer bonus cannot be mounted on vehicles with autoloader or autoreloader guns.
  • Experimental Equipment that combines bonuses of three or more types of equipment or gets bonuses other than from equipment or has an unusual distribution of bonuses will have its own conditions for mounting.

  • Experimental Equipment does not receive an additional bonus from its slot, regardless of Upgrade Level.

  • Experimental Equipment is not divided into classes (i.e., the same item can be mounted on a Tier II or Tier X vehicle if they meet its requirements).

  • For every piece of Experimental Equipment:
    • The set of characteristics will not change when the Upgrade Level is increased.
    • With each new Upgrade Level, the values of one or several characteristics can increase, but they will never decrease.
    • The weightage of bonuses may be different (e.g., 80% of the Gun Rammer effect and 20% of the Vertical Stabilizer effect, 60% and 40%, etc.).
  • The cost of demounting Experimental Equipment is as follows:
    • For Upgrade Level I: 1 Demounting Kit or 10.

    • For Upgrade Level II: 50 components.

    • For Upgrade Level III: 100 components.

List of Changes CT1


Main Changes

Experimental Equipment

A new type of equipment (Experimental Equipment) has been added. This equipment combines the bonuses of various equipment types that already exist in the game.

There are 3 types of Experimental Equipment on the list:

  • Fire-Control System (combines the bonuses of the Enhanced Gun Laying Drive and Vertical Stabilizer)
  • Mobility Improvement System (combines the bonuses of the Turbocharger and Improved Rotation Mechanism)
  • Survival Improvement Suite (combines the bonuses of Improved Hardening and Modified Configuration)

Experimental Equipment can be upgraded and has 3 tiers.

Arcade Cabinet

The Arcade Cabinet mode has been launched for technical testing.

Two sub-modes from the previous launches are available: Element of Surprise and Tranquility. These sub-modes will not be available on the live servers once the next update is released.

Both sub-modes will be available at the same time, and rewards will be provided via a special Arcade Cabinet Mission interface.

Matchmaking Changes

In their first battles, beginners will not encounter experienced players.

Changes to the technical characteristics of the following vehicles:


  • The following vehicle has been added: SU-2-122.


  • The following vehicle has been added:Pz.Kpfw. KW I (r).


  • The following vehicle has been added: A25 Harry Hopkins I.


  • The following vehicle has been added: M16/43 Sahariano.

Known Issues

Launch of Arcade Cabinet on the Common Test

The Arcade Cabinet mode will be launched on the Common Test servers as part of update testing. Two sub-modes from the previous launches will be available: Element of Surprise and Tranquility. 

Players will be able to participate in battles according to the standard Arcade Cabinet rules, but the mode will now feature several updates: two sub-modes will be available at the same time, and instead of the combat missions that were previously available in the Arcade Cabinet mode and rewarded players with bonds, rewards will be provided via a special Arcade Cabinet Mission interface.


How to Participate in Testing


To take part, you'll need the Game Center (WGC), the latest Common Test game client, and a account created prior to the cut-off date (see below).


All accounts created before October 20 at 13:59 PT | 15:59 CT | 16:59 ET can participate in the test.

Download and Install the Test Client


  • Run the test client installer.
  • Choose a different installation folder from where your regular World of Tanks game files are.
  • Select the freshly installed test client from the dropdown menu at the top of the WGC.
  • Roll out—and remember to pass on your feedback!

You can find more details about the WGC in the dedicated Game Center guide.


Check out our handy public test guide with all the details about Common Tests, Sandbox Tests, and Supertests.


We invite you, Commanders, to the Update 1.19 Common Test! Join, get Experimental Equipment, upgrade it, and use it in battle. Play your way and share your feedback!

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