The runes within dictated that we would travel to the islands where Blackbeard hid his fortune and it had not escaped us that our journey would likely take us into harm’s way. From the looks of these machines, our confidence was high that they would get us there and back safely. |
The Kanonenjagdpanzer is a low-profile German tank destroyer that mounts a precise, fast-firing gun onto a chassis affectionately known as a “land rocket.”
With mobility rivalling some of the fastest vehicles in the game, the Kanonenjagdpanzer can shift positions with the best of them. Use this speed to keep up with your allies or to reach an ambush location ahead of your enemies and unleash destruction upon them with a rain of accurate shots.
The Kanonenjagdpanzer has exclusive access to a special x5 XP mission this weekend and is the quintessential crew trainer for both German tank destroyer lines. Get your Ancient Weapon today!
Rare Tank: KanonenjagdpanzerStarts Tues. September 15 04:20 PT / 07:20 ET
There is much about The Conclave that is a mystery. It was founded as an order of knights many generations ago and evolved into what it is today. How does a group even survive for that long? One thing is certain, The Conclave is always on the lookout for promising new treasure hunters and will lavishly reward those who serve them.Perhaps that is its secret.The gifts from The Conclave are the gifts that fuel the organization’s immortality… |
Gifts From The ConclaveEnds Thursday, October 1 04:20 PT / 07:20 ET | |
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September 1 |
MT VIII 59-Patton |
September 8 |
September 15 |
TD VIII Kanonenjagdpanzer |
September 22 |