In step with our support of National Military Appreciation Month, we're taking a moment with each Gift Shop Bundle to honor the memory of one Medal of Honor recipient. This time we're providing an account of a heroic World War II tanker, Turney W. Leonard. If you have any other stories, or have more information you'd like to share about this particular story, please feel free to share it in the forum thread!
Bundles Begin: 23:00 PDT (02:00 EDT the following day) on May 19, 2013
Bundles End: 23:00 PDT (02:00 EDT the following day) on May 23, 2013
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United States tank destroyers such as the Wolverine, Jackson, and Hellcat are very different from most other nations’ tank destroyers. In many cases they're faster and have turrets as opposed to the fixed guns. This is a result of the United States Army Antitank Doctrine, formulated in response to the German Blitzkrieg of France in 1940 when massed panzers assaulted enemy positions.
The Americans developed medium tanks such as the Sherman that could support infantry with its low-velocity 75mm howitzer, and have the mobility and reliability to keep up with the sustained advances of motorized infantry. Secondly, they developed tank destroyers, a fast, more lightly-armored armored vehicle. Most famous was the 3-inch Gun Motor Carriage, M10. Known simply as the "TD" by American soldiers and the "Wolverine" by the British. Their goal was to stand off at long range and break up enemy tank formations at range with hard-hitting guns and good mobility. As a response, the Germans had changed their tactics. They were on the defensive for the rest of the war, launching smaller attacks, which meant that the United States tank destroyer units often took heavy casualties in the close range fighting of the Hedgerows and villages of France.
Dug-in German infantry, towed antitank guns, self-propelled guns such as the Stugg, and German tanks took their toll on the thin-skinned TD's, while the Shermans equipped with the low-velocity 75mm cannons were good at supporting infantry, but ran into trouble when confronted with German tanks. Tank destroyer Commanders had a lot on their minds, and many of them had to contend with their vehicle’s increased vulnerability to enemy fire while determining the best way to engage the enemy.
First Lieutenant Turney W. Leonard of Dallas, Texas went above and beyond the call of duty leading an advance of his unit, the 893d Tank Destroyer Battalion, when he decided to scout on foot ahead of his Wolverine:
"He displayed extraordinary heroism while commanding a platoon of mobile weapons at Kommerscheidt, Germany, on 4, 5, and 6 November 1944. During the fierce 3-day engagement, he repeatedly braved overwhelming enemy fire in advance of his platoon to direct the fire of his tank destroyer from exposed, dismounted positions. He went on lone reconnaissance missions to discover what opposition his men faced, and on 1 occasion, when fired upon by a hostile machinegun, advanced alone and eliminated the enemy emplacement with a hand grenade.
When a strong German attack threatened to overrun friendly positions, he moved through withering artillery, mortar, and small arms fire, reorganized confused infantry units whose leaders had become casualties, and exhorted them to hold firm. Although wounded early in battle, he continued to direct fire from his advanced position until he was disabled by a high-explosive shell which shattered his arm, forcing him to withdraw. He was last seen at a medical aid station which was subsequently captured by the enemy. By his superb courage, inspiring leadership, and indomitable fighting spirit, 1st Lt. Leonard enabled our forces to hold off the enemy attack and was personally responsible for the direction of fire which destroyed 6 German tanks."
Leonard was 23.
Have you unlocked a new tank and find yourself in need of funds to fully outfit your metal behemoth? Then this is the package for you! It has enough Gold to purchase a Garage Slot and enough left over to transfer one of your experienced crews to your new tank without any loss of skill.
If you've started down the path to the T110E5 during our On Track event, the bonus Premium experience and Credits on every battle will go a long way towards helping you reach your goal. That's where our "Fast Track to Success Bundle" comes in to help. And who couldn't use a few extra Credits?
14 Days Premium
There comes a point in every tanker’s career when they want another tank to play. With the T14 being a Premium tank, you can place any American crew trained in heavy tanks in it and play without penalty. This will allow you some variety while increasing your crew and earning convertible experience towards your next tank.
V T14 Garage Slot
Buy them for yourself or for all your tanking buddies! 10% of every purchase will go towards veterans charities for the entire month of May! These bundles will be available from 23:00 PDT April 30, 2013 until 23:00 PDT May 31, 2013.
T34 Bundle for $115.99
Gold & Credit Bundle for $23.39
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