This week's Gift Shop features packages for outfitting your new tanks as well as one to nab a tier VIII French vehicle. Details below!
Bundles Begin: 23:00 PDT (02:00 EDT the following day) on June 23, 2013
Bundles End: 23:00 PDT (02:00 EDT the following day) on June 27, 2013
Wondering what time this starts in your neck of the woods? Use this handy Time Zone Conversion tool.
New Tank? No problem. This tidy bundle gives you the necessary funds to get your shiny new toy outfitted properly.
In the market for a new premium vehicle? The FCM 50 t can unload a respectable amount of damage in a short period of time. More damage equals more XP and more credits earned!
VIII FCM 50 t Garage Slot
Making the most of the latest On Track Event? Here are the funds you'll need to pick up the tier VIII vehicle straight away!
Making the most of the latest On Track Event? Here are the funds you'll need to pick up the tier IX vehicle straight away!
Making the most of the latest On Track Event? Here are the funds you'll need to pick up the tier X vehicle straight away!