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Remember that time Major_Rampage tricked you in a riddle contest by asking what he had in his pocket? Well now is your chance at revenge and to earn some in-game Gold.
Who: Major_Rampage and his Absolute Tank Company
When: 15:00 PDT (18:00 EDT) to 18:00 PDT (21:00 EDT) on July 5, 2013
Major_Rampage will be playing on the NA West server. Enter the queue here if you expect to find him.
If you face off against Rampage's Tank Company, you'll have a chance to win Gold prizes! 600 for a win, 300 for a loss, but nothing for a draw.
If you are streaming on and you send a link to your stream with the time at which you face Major_Rampage, you will earn double your winnings. This link must be sent in a PM on the forums to Major_Rampage by 09:00 PDT (12:00 EDT) on Monday morning following the event. Gold from this event will be distributed by Thursday, July 11, 2013.
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