It's time to burn your way to the mighty tier X French medium tank. This branch is full of speed, maneuverability, and auto-loaders!
Thank you for making these last 15 years possible; it's your passion and dedication that've made the time worthwhile. We will definitely be celebrating and we hope you're able to join in on the excitement with this On Track event, the Anniversary Special, the Anniversary Gift Shop, the free tank, and the Blitz Tournaments. Let's battle!
Event Begins: 04:30 PDT (07:30 EDT) on August 1, 2013
Event Ends: 04:00 PDT (07:00 EDT) on August 15, 2013
On Track to the Bat.-Châtillon 25 t
30% Discount and 30% Income Bonus for the Following Vehicles
VI AMX 12 t VII AMX 13 75 VIII AMX 13 90 IX Lorraine 40 t X Bat.-Châtillon 25 t
50% Discount and 50% Income Bonus for the Following Vehicles
II Hotchkiss H35 III AMX 38 IV AMX 40 V ELC AMX
NOTE: Selling vehicles that were purchased while on discount will only yield 50% of the sale price as credits.