We're pleased to bring you the details for this weekend's event; it's time to prepare for Medium Mayhem! We've got a variety of discounts and bonuses to pique the interest of just about any dedicated tanker. Tighten up your lines and don't leave your flanks exposed. Expect to see plenty of hungry wolfpacks on the prowl this weekend. Best of luck to you all...
The ARL 44 isn't a medium tank, but we wanted our French tankers to be able to come to the party!
Event Starts: 03:30 PST on March 8, 2013
Event Ends: 04:00 PST on March 11, 2013
50% Credit Increase* Per Battle and 50% Credit Discount on the Following Vehicles
*V M4 Sherman VI
M4A3E8 Sherman VI
Cromwell VI
VK 3001 (P) VI
T-34-85 VI
Type 58
50% Gold Discount on the Following Premium Vehicles
2x Crew Experience in Every Battle
10% Gold Discount on One Year of Premium
Up to a 50% Gold and Credit Discount for Premium Shells
50% Gold Discount for Crew Barracks Slots
*The M4 Sherman will receive a 100% credit increase per battle for the length of the event.