Community Event: Historical Battles


Step into our time machine and play Historical Battles with us. Wargaming is inviting you to join us for some historical battle action on July 8 from 19:00 - 21:00 EDT. We will be battling it out on the Bryansk Front, so choose your side, choose your tank, and you could earn some cool, unique medals while blowing up the Wargaming America staff!

All battles will be on the NA East server. We'll switch between Soviet and German vehicles, so you can play both!


Lessons of History: Bryansk Front


Awarded to a player who has won at least one battle on each of the opposing sides in any vehicle. Can be obtained in Historical Battles only.

Battlefield: Bryansk Front


Awarded to a player who has won at least one battle on each of the opposing sides in all vehicles that fought in the actual battle. Can be obtained in Historical Battles only.


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