Meet Wargaming in Massachusetts and Nebraska


Want to hang out with your friends from Wargaming and learn about history at the same time? You'll have the chance this month if you live near Massachusetts or Nebraska! 

Meet and Greet with The Chieftain

The Chieftain is making his way to Stow, Massachusetts for the Collings Foundation Open House: "Battle for the Airfield." On Saturday and Sunday, October 11 and 12, an epic World War II reenactment will unfold. Featuring era armament and machinery, this weekend is sure to be a blast! Chieftain will be wandering around enjoying the event. If you want, track him down; he'll be the tallest man there wearing a cavalry stetson. (Note: $20 admission fee.)

Player Gathering at the Strategic Air & Space Museum

The_Warhawk makes his way to Omaha, Nebraska. Tour the Strategic Air & Space Museum with him on Saturday, October 18. Featuring a host of mankind's aerial achievements, the SaS Museum is home to some seriously impressive flight exhibits. Come explore the museum with us and join our guided tour arranged by the museum starting a bit after 1:00 PM.

If you're in the area, you can meet us near the main entrance of the museum by the missiles out front! (Note: $10 admission fee.)

To attend the player gathering in Omaha, please RSVP in the forum thread. No RSVP is necessary for Stow.

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